
Friday, June 28, 2013


kensington by Riley Blake

Kensington (Riley Blake) is now on the shelves!  I can’t get enough of these corals –deeelicious!

kensington corals

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Red Riding Tote–tutorial

I am loving the Little Red Riding Hood fabrics from Riley Blake.  This "little border" print was just begging to be made into a tote bag!  The bag finishes at 9" x 9" x 3" which is the perfect size for your favorite 3-7 year old young lady:

Little Red Riding Hood tote bag tutorial

and is just right for carrying a few favorite books and a beloved friend on a trip to Grandma's house:

Little Red Riding Hood tote bag tutorial

Red Riding Tote tutorial
Andy Knowlton

Red Riding Tote tutorial from the Fabric Mill

Materials Needed:

3/4 yard of Little Red Riding Hood “Little Border” print (Riley Blake)**
1/8 yard of one coordinating print (this is optional)
two (11” x 13”) pieces of fusible fleece

**this is the “little border” print.  The print is currently available in both red and pink at the Fabric Mill.**

red riding hood little border pink

Step 1:  Take the 3/4 yard of “Little Border” print and unfold it.  Line up your ruler so that the 1/2” marking line lies directly under the line of words (see photo.)   Trim along that edge.

tote 1

tote 2

Step 2:  Following the cutting diagram, cut all of the following pieces

2@ 13” x 19” (with the border along the 13” edge)
2@ 4” x 18” for handles
2 @ 3.5” x 13” for bag bottom (option: this can be cut from a coordinating fabric instead)

cutting layout

Step 3:  Using a 1/4” seam, sew the two 3.5” x 13” bag bottom strips to the bottom edge of each of the 13” x 19” main bag pieces.  (I used a coordinating fabric for the bag bottom.)  Press seam.

Tote Bag tutorial

Step 4:  Fuse the 11” x 13” piece of fusible fleece to the wrong side of each of the main bag pieces.  The fusible fleece needs to be on the bottom half of the bag.

 Tote Bag tutorial

Step 5:  Place main bag pieces right sides together. 

tote 6

Be sure that these lines (printed on the fabric) match up. 

tote 7

Pin around the bag along the edges.  Along the top edge we will be leaving about 5” open (unsewn).  I like to mark those spots with double pins to remind me not to stitch there.

Tote Bag tutorial

Using a 1/4” seam, Sew around edge of bag, pivoting at corners and leaving about 5” open for turning.

Step 6:  To create the flat bottom on this bag, on one corner match seam line to seam line and mark 1.5” down from the point.  Sew along the marked line (which should measure about 3” long). 

Tote Bag tutorial

Repeat for all four corners:

Tote Bag tutorial

Then trim each corner about 1/4” from stitching:

Tote Bag tutorial

Step 7:  Turn bag right side out and push out each corner:

Tote Bag tutorial

Step 8:  Sew the 5” opening closed by pressing first and then carefully sewing along the edge.

Tote Bag tutorial

Step 9:  Push bag lining into bag, press along top edge of bag and then stop to admire your handiwork thus far!
Red Riding Hood tote bag tutorial

Red Riding Hood tote bag tutorial

Step 10:  Now for the handles!  Press up 1/2” on each end of both handles:

Red Riding Hood tote bag tutorial

Fold (and press) in half lengthwise.  Then unfold and press the outside edges in to the center. 

Red Riding Hood tote bag tutorial

Then fold again on center line and press:

Red Riding Hood tote bag tutorial

Step 11:  Sew along each edge of the handles a scant 1/8 from the edge:

Red Riding Hood tote bag tutorial

Then sew down the center of each handle:

Red Riding Hood tote bag tutorial

Step 12:  Pin the ends of the handles to the inside of the tote bag, 2.5” from the side seam. 

Red Riding Hood tote bag tutorial

Stitch handles in place, making sure to use a coordinating thread because this will show on the outside of the tote!

Red Riding Hood tote bag tutorial

Little Red Riding Hood tote bag tutorial

Your lovely tote is complete and ready to be used and loved!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Giveaway Winners

I hope you all had fun at the Summer Buzz shop hop last week.  It was fun to see so many of you stop by!  The next shop hop will be coming up this fall and we are already "stirring" up some big ideas!

Here is the list of giveaway winners for here at the Fabric Mill:

$50 gift certificate winners: 
Sue Robinson of Spanish Fork
Barbara Brown of Orem

$25 gift certificate winners:
Kelsie Christensen of Orem
Marilyn Devey of Lindon
Jessica Snow of Orem

Congratulations to each of the winners!